Why did my subscription got canceled?
Your subscription may be canceled for the following reasons:
You clicked the unsubscribe button.
Payment got rejected.
The product is unavailable.
Transfer eSIM details to other account
Accept eSIM transfer request ownership via public link
Order refunds related to subscribed plan data
eSIM Exchange with included subscribed data plans
If your subscription was canceled for reasons other than those mentioned above, feel free to contact our support team via Live Chat or WhatsApp.
You clicked the unsubscribe button.
Payment got rejected.
The product is unavailable.
Transfer eSIM details to other account
Accept eSIM transfer request ownership via public link
Order refunds related to subscribed plan data
eSIM Exchange with included subscribed data plans
If your subscription was canceled for reasons other than those mentioned above, feel free to contact our support team via Live Chat or WhatsApp.
Updated on: 30/09/2024
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